Saturday 10 December 2011

The Out of Context Elf

Everyone, at least once in their life, should try doing ordinary things dressed as an elf.

This week, for the first time, I took a toilet break during a shift. The nearest facilities to the grotto are in the food court upstairs so I got the escalator up and began working my way through the crowd and various fast food chains. I had seen a few heads turning but it wasn't until I was outside KFC that I noticed the tension in the atmosphere. A boy turned to me as I tried to slip past; 'You're Santa's elf. What are you doing here?' he said accusingly. I realised he was voicing what everyone was thinking. I was dressed as an elf, and this was not somewhere I was welcome. At any moment I expected leftover pieces of pizza and fried chicken to be thrown my way amidst chants of 'Out Elf!'

I made it to the bathroom safely and joined the queue. There again I felt the heat of suspicious glares, as if the people behind me were angry that one of my kind was preventing them from getting to the toilet quicker. When I was finished a little girl watched me wash my hands. Part of me felt bad, like I was ruining some kind of illusion; elves go to the toilet too. But then I thought it would've been much worse if she'd watched me not wash my hands.

Yesterday I went to the bank to get more change for the grotto. As I approached the desk, I couldn't help feel that as I was in costume and everything, they half expected me to, and perhaps I should've, held them up and robbed the bank. I didn't.

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