Wednesday 7 December 2011

The Pushy Parent

There are many kinds of parent I find annoying, but my current bugbear is Pushy Parent.

Pushy Parent is most annoying when accompanied by Pleasant Child. Pleasant Child is excited to see Santa, is above the age of cries and screams, and is more than willing to sit on Santa's knee and pose for the obligatory photo.

The photo is taken.

'Are you happy enough with that one?' Helpful Elf asks, pointing to the display screen that shows the perfectly decent photo that has just been taken. Pushy Parent goes over to inspect.

'Eh, could we maybe take another one?' Pushy Parent asks with feigned politeness. They turn to Pleasant Child. 'Smile properly this time.'

Another photo is taken.

'No, you look weird, try smiling again.'

Another photo.

Strained laughter. 'What's wrong with you today?' Turns to partner/granny/friend. 'She/He looks terrible in these.'

This continues for as long as Helpful Elf has patience, and results in a horrible forced smile from Pleasant Child who is now attempting to hold back the tears as Happy Visit to Santa has been destroyed by Pushy Parent.

They usually end up choosing the first photo.

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