Wednesday 7 December 2011

The Passive Resistance

We get a lot of tears and screams. A lot of struggling and wriggling and mad dash escape attempts. But the reaction I find most entertaining is much less dramatic. There's no action at all. My favourite type of child is the one that will sit on Santa's knee if they are placed there, will look at the camera when asked, but will not, under any circumstances, enjoy it and they most certainly will not smile.

By in large, they are usually 2-4 year old boys. They don't seem particularly frightened by Santa, just unimpressed, disapproving even. Conscientious objectors to this whole Santa nonsense. They have reasoned that they cannot stop their parents from taking them to see Santa or placing them on his knee, but they can assert their right not to smile. And nothing mummy or daddy can do will change that.

But that doesn't stop them trying. They clap and sing and dance and even lie on the floor making silly faces. The child is unmoved. It's resolve to resist only strengthened by it's parent's humiliation. 

As seen so many times in history, the way of non violence and passive resistance can enact great change upon society. And can provide amusing Santa photos.

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