Friday 25 November 2011

The Real Deal

Santa A has me almost convinced he's the real deal. And I'm not the only one. Parents comment on his authenticity, passers by remark on the likeness, children turn up on Sunday and Monday (Santa B's days) and demand to see 'the real one'.

Every extra thing I learn about him supports his claim. He loves chocolate, he's very good at quizzes, does complicated sudoku puzzles daily, makes his own paella and he worked for a charity in Uganda at the time of Idi Amin. These all seem like plausible Santa attributes and activities. 

It's becoming increasingly difficult for Santa B to compete. I'm not sure there ever really was a competition, but it's hard to know if his weakness is largely based on Santa A's strength. But then again, the camera doesn't lie. I struggled through Monday trying not to laugh at terrible photo after terrible photo - and for once it wasn't the child and/or parent's fault. It was Santa B. It is unfortunate that his fake beard covers his mouth so all you can ever see are his eyes. It is also unfortunate that as far as I know Santa B has never met Tyra Banks and never been taught to 'smeyes' (smile with your eyes). The result is either a sinister stare or a lack of looking altogether. 'Santa's asleep in that one', a phrase I heard more than once. 

Not convinced he does see me when I'm sleeping after all. Santa A on the other hand - I'm pretty sure he knows everything.

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